By Monique
I went to visit my family a few weeks ago in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and of course I brought my camera to document my 3 year old nephew Rowan and my adorable 8 month old niece Lyla. I hadn’t seen them for a month since the holidays, but Lyla looked so different, her hair is getting blonder, she is pulling herself up to standing, and she is even starting to bob up and down and back and forth dancing to music! Documenting a child’s growth is one of the highlights of my work as a photographer. My nephew and niece are my muses when it comes to this part of my photographic path.

On the left, Rowan on the same cement serpent slide that my sister and I played on when we were kids.

Throughout the week of my visit, we put Lyla in countless cute outfits for documentation! (It was tough editing the photos for this post, so many cute outfits to show off!) On the left, she is wearing her soft purple Patagonia fleece, on the right, she is in what I call her “hippy” pants.

Lyla hanging out on her parent’s bed. On the left, she is wearing a sweater that belonged to her other aunt Adelia when she was a baby.