Todd and Andrea braved the impending storms to make it up to Tahoe for an engagement photo session last Saturday. It was rainy and stormy the day before, and rainy and stormy the day after, but fortunately the day of the shoot, we had partly cloudy skies and no winds for our romp around the south shore of Lake Tahoe. We had made all our contacts through email, so I got to meet them the first time the morning of the shoot. I honestly thought I was going to scare them off right away, because the drive down was way faster than normal, leaving me an extra 1/2 hour to drink way too much coffee at the Alpine Sierra coffee house. Despite skipping every third word, we talked a little about how they met, what they like and why they chose Lake Tahoe to get married at. Turns out the met in school and both love the outdoors, just like my wife and I. Once I got up off my behind and got the cameras out and we started moving and looking for photos, the afternoon just clicked. We had the Valhalla historical site in south lake all to ourselves as we played around the old buildings and piers and beaches, then went over to Emerald Bay for a final few shots with that famous vista. Once again I lucked out and got a couple that were real troopers about tromping around in the snow and squeezing themselves into interesting (and at one point dusty) locations all for a photo. We had a real fun time during this shoot. Here are just a few of my personal favorite images.

Todd said I want a picture of her throwing a snowball right at my face. You got it! Fortunately it just grazed his ear.