By Monique
I decided to post a few children’s portraits from several sessions I’ve done over the past few months. I love photographing kids, from babies to teens. Capturing the cutesy baby stage is something every parent will cherish as their child grows so fast before their eyes. And continuing to document them each year, even through the teen years, adds to the record of their lives as they are growing up. The first series of photographs is from nine month old Aidan Miles Toole’s baby session last weekend. The second group of photos is from a photo session I did with Ethan and Henley Cleveland in Coos Bay, Oregon. I was visiting one of my best girlfriends from grade school, Connie, and her family right before Halloween. After we did their formal family portraits, I wanted to get some more fun photos of the kids. And since Halloween is their all time favorite holiday, I had the idea to put them in thier costumes and head up to the historic Pioneer Cemetery for the photo session. The last few photos are of my adorable niece Lyla Rose, and nephew, Rowan. I just coudln’t resist adding them to this post, as I am a proud auntie who is always photographing them whenever I visit my family in the Santa Cruz Mountains!

Nine month old Aidan Miles Toole

Aidan during his nine month old portrait session last week.

Aidan’s mom Kristen wanted to get some winter themed shots of him in his fuzzy cap. When she first put it on him, he kept trying to pull it off, resulting in this cute sequence. There are so many opportunities with baby sessions to not only document them smiling and looking so adorable, but also capture these fun, more candid moments that add to the whole story of their photo session.

Aidan finally got used to the hat!

Aidan looking cute in his outdoorsy outfit. We did this shoot during the first big snow storm in Reno last weekend, so going outside was not an option, but we managed to find some clean backgrounds within the house to finish the session with a few different outfits.

Seven year old Henley Cleveland getting into character as the swamp monster during a fun pre Halloween portrait session in the historic Coos Bay Pioneer Cemetery, in Coos Bay, Oregon.

Nine year old Ethan Cleveland dressed as a phantom, and acting grim, during a pre Halloween portrait session in the historic Coos Bay Pioneer Cemetery in Coos Bay, Oregon.

Ethan and Henley “in character” during thier portrait session in the historic Coos Bay Cemetery in Coos Bay, Oregon.

Ethan and Henley having some fun acting out their Halloween characters in the old, overgrown Pioneer Cemeterey in Coos Bay, Oregon.

Five month old Lyla Rose Barber. I just love the cute little detail of the bee bottom!

Three year old Rowan Barber on West Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz, California.